Jailbreak 8.1.1 is out get it all devices ~ IAP HACKS

Jailbreak 8.1.1 is out get it all devices

Jailbreak 8.1.1 is out get it all devices

OS 8.1.1 now can be jailbroke! Hury and update Apple will release 8.2 with no possible jailbreak available by 12/31/14 or sooner!!!

on all 8.1.1 ios devices


TaiG Issues 8.1.1 Jailbreak, It’s Now Possible to Jailbreak 8.1.1  Untethered: Tutorial for All Devices – Well, this is a first. Earlier this morning, an all-new jailbreak 8.1.1 solution was released by the TaiG team (the same group of developers that initially, and briefly, funded the evad3rs last year when creating evasi0n7, before said funding was pulled due to community uproar). The brand new tool from TaiG, dubbed TaiGJBreak for iOS 8 is capable of delivering a seemingly bug-free Untethered jailbreak for 8.1.1 and all iPhone, iPad and iPod touch models. Although it’s interesting, and rather odd, that TaiG opted to release a utility while Apple was still signing 8.1, allowing iDevice owners to easily downgrade from 8.1.1 with intent to execute a jailbreak on 8.1, this is an absolutely incredible time for jailbreakers the world over. In what looks like a heated rivalry between TaiG and Pangu, two Chinese groups both funded by third-party companies with other monetary interests in jailbreaking (specifically non-App Store app distribution in China), it seems as though we’ll start seeing new jailbreak tools in rapid fire succession as the teams race against one another. Like Pangu 1.1.1 for iOS 8 through 8.1, TaiG comes bundled with Cydia (the graphical user interface we’ve all come to know and love over the years for distributing third-party tweaks and modifications). Jailbreaking on 8.1.1 with either the iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, the latest iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2, the original iPad Air and iPad mini, iPad 4, iPad 2 or the 5th generation iPod touch is surprisingly fast and stable. Continue reading past the quick break for complete and thorough instructions on how to jailbreak the aforementioned iDevices running 8.1 fully UnTethered!

TaiG jailbreak 8.1.1 direct download




Download Pangu Jailbreak to Jailbreak iPhone, iPad and iPod touch running iOS 8 – iOS 8.1:

Latest version:
Older versions:
  • Pangu 8 1.1.0

How to Jailbreak iOS 8.1 – iOS 8.0.x with Pangu

If you need help on how to use Pangu to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 8.0.x – iOS 8.1, follow our latest step-by-step guide.


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